
Lap Around the School and Parking Lot or 4 Laps around the Inside
Long Strides in front of building or down hall way x 4
Accelerations 4 x 30 meter, 2x 50, 3x40, 1x70  (Estimate Distance) Work on Form, High Knee Drive, Tall
Stretch Really Well (Circle Up)
Dynamic Set
11)      Head Circles X 10
22)      Trunk Circles x 10
33)      Ankle Circles x 10
44)      Toe Taps x 30 fast each foot
51)   Mountain Climbers/Lunges (Down and Back)
62)   Twist Grabs (Shin toward Chest)
73)   Arm Swings (Front and Back with Skip)
84)   A Skip
95)   B Skip
16)   C Skip
77)   High Knee
18)   High Skip/Bound for Height
19)   Karaoke Drill
Slow Drill
14)   Toe Walks/Heel Walks
15)   High Kick with Hand
16)   Leg Swing in to Squat
17)   Front Grabs Knee to Chest with Walk
18)   Foot to Rear with Walk
19)   Skip with Exaggerated Leg (Queue Knee Up/Foot Out)
20)   Side Foot Walks 

Ladder Drill
2 Foot Hop
1 Foot Hop (Both Legs)
2 Foot Tap Each Box
Face One Direction-2 Foot Tap Each Box (Switch Direction)
Two In Two Out
Hop In/Hop Out, Hop Diagonal
Two In Two Out/Squat
Sideways- 2 Tap in/2 Tap Out

Hurdle Drills
2 Foot Hop
1 Foot Hop (Both Legs)
Hop Over/Hop Back, Hop Over
Sideways Hop
Sideways Single Leg (Both Legs)
High Knees
5 Hops-Stride- Acceleration
Zig Zag, Two In/One Out, next Box

3:00 Push-Ups
3:00 Sit-Ups
1:30 Tricep Dips
Plank, Increase Time up to 2:00

Drill Set
Walking knee lift (pull knee to chest)
Walking quad pull (pull heel to glute)
Walking unilateral pike (bend torso to 90 degrees, extending same side arm and leg parallel to ground)
Walking high knee to step out
Walking straight leg kick (“punter” kick)
Jogging high knee to step out
Carioca (each direction)
High knee skipping with windmill arms
Jogging butt kicks
Leg Swings
Hurdle Walks
      Light strides

1)Clams-Lie on your side and make a 45-degree angle with your knees.  Bending from your hip, move your leg up to 60 degrees, making your legs look like a clamshell opening up.  Lower and repeat. Complete 10 reps on Each Side.
2)Lateral Leg Raise-Lie on your side with your leg straight.  Lift your leg to 45 degree and then lower. Complete 5 reps with neutral foot, 5 reps with your toe pointed toward the ground and 5 reps with your toe pointed to the sky.
3) Donkey Kicks- Start in a table position. Bring one knee as close to your chest as possible, then kick your footback and try to hook your foot over your back. Complete 10 reps on each side.
  4)Donkey Whips-Start in a table position. Extend your foot behind you without locking your knee. Swing your foot and left to the side for 5 reps. Repeat on the other side

  5)Fire Hydrant-Start in a table position. Lift your leg so that your knee, lower leg and foot are at the same height as your back.  Complete 8 reps on each side.

 6)Knee Circle, Forward-Start in a table position, but with your knees at a 45 degree angle.  Lift your leg so that your knee, lower leg, and foot are at the same height as your back and make a circular motion with the knee.  Complete 5 reps then switch legs.

 7)Knee Circle, Backward-Start in a table position, but with your knees at a 45 degree angle.  Lift your leg so that your knee, lower leg, and foot are at the same height as your back.  Reach your leg back, then sweep your leg down to make a circular motion with your knee.  Complete 5 reps then switch legs.

 8)Hurdle Trail Leg, Forward-With your hands on a wall, tree, or fence, stand on your left foot and pretend you are skimming your right foot over a hurdle at hip height. Start with 5 reps; you can increase your reps as you gain strength up to 15.  Repeat on the other side.

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